Ron’s teen years

That is Manomet Point in the distance. Photo from Karen Seeymour Kasprzak’s post on Facebook

Well as this is my new homepage I guess I should tell you a little bit
about my self. I grew up in Manomet, MA,( which is the part of Plymouth, MA). You may of heard of it, the first Thanksgiving was held in Plymouth, allegedly . When I was growing up I lived about a fifteen minute walk away from the beach including the stairs. 

Which always was a great place to hang out at a bit easier in the summer then the winter. During the summers when I was in high school I was a lobster fisherman in the summer which meant I got up at 5:00-5:30 every day collected the bait (rotten fish from fish market after fillets had been removed) for my lobster pots and  spent 2 to 4 hours navigating my boat around off the coast looking for my lobster pots. I had them widely scattered. Each lobster pot had 100-150 feet of line connected to it . Each pot had six to eight bricks in it to keep it anchored to the bottom where it was dropped .I never made any great amount of money at it but got to spend every day out on the ocean. Oh and I ate a lot of lobster also.